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color sample造句

"color sample"是什么意思  
  • Standard color sample of railway signaling flag
  • Standard color sample of national flag
  • Color tools that allow you to choose from a color wheel or from a color sample
  • Color test : uniform color sample after curing . but not allow color changes discoloration
  • Enterprises are required to mail the color sample in both chinese and english , offset plate , and film to the gathering and editing division of the organizing committee
  • In order to get the full color image , the other two missing color samples must be interpolated . this process is commonly referred as demosaicing
    为了获得全彩色图像,必须依靠插值获得丢失的两个颜色信息,这个过程通常被称为彩色插值,或是demosaicing (去马赛克) 。
  • When determining the color of fluorine - carbon aluminum single sheet , the customer may either directly select the standard color provided by our company , or provide color sample to name other colors
  • It's difficult to see color sample in a sentence. 用color sample造句挺难的
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